System Status at: Wed Jan 3 07:49:04 GMT-6 2018 CPU Idle Percentage: 99% HD Available Space: 380G HW Up Time: 19 days, 07:49:04 SW Start Time: Dec 15 01:37 Avail Memory(MB): 13495, 13494 (VM) Eth0 Rx packets:9974000417 Eth0 Rx bytes:918562192798 Eth0 Rx errors:0 Eth0 Rx dropped:0 Eth0 Rx overruns:0 Eth0 Rx frame:0 Eth0 Tx packets:10718161954 Eth0 Tx bytes:1065415405171 Eth0 Tx errors:0 Eth0 Tx dropped:0 Eth0 Tx overruns:0 Eth0 Tx carrier:0 Eth0 Tx collisions:0 Eth1 Rx packets:8312992722 Eth1 Rx bytes:774334592173 Eth1 Rx errors:0 Eth1 Rx dropped:0 Eth1 Rx overruns:0 Eth1 Rx frame:0 Eth1 Tx packets:7517724329 Eth1 Tx bytes:708392446600 Eth1 Tx errors:0 Eth1 Tx dropped:0 Eth1 Tx overruns:0 Eth1 Tx carrier:0 Eth1 Tx collisions:0 Number of active network sessions = 11595 Peak number of active network sessions = 59382 Maximum network sessions allowed = 80000 Number of active cluster sessions = 14 Peak number of active cluster sessions = 766 Maximum cluster sessions allowed = 70000 Number of active local sessions = 14 Peak number of local concurrent sessions = 766 Maximum local sessions allowed = 30000 Number of times maximum exceeded = 0 Total number of local session attempts = 2405700 Total number of local session answered = 1462577 Number of orig CPS (past 5 seconds) = 0 0 1 0 0 Peak number of orig CPS = 32 Maximum orig CPS allowed = 10000 Number of times max CPS exceeded = 0 Number of term CPS (past 5 seconds) = 0 0 0 1 0 Peak number of term CPS = 38 Number of ERS CPS (past 5 seconds) = 0 0 0 0 0 Peak number of ERS CPS = 6 Number of LNP CPS (past 5 seconds) = 0 0 1 0 0 Peak number of LNP CPS = 9 Number of inbound SIP legs in progress = 14 Number of outbound SIP legs in progress = 14 Peak number of SIP legs = 1532 Number of inbound H323 legs in progress = 0 Number of outbound H323 legs in progress = 0 Peak number of H323 legs = 0 CPU idle = 99% Flow control level = 0 Total number of loop detections = 5117 Radius server resends = 0 Radius server failures = 0 Session Blocks In Use = 14 Peak = 766 Max = 50000 Dialog Blocks In Use = 15 Peak = 702 Max = 200000 Syslog Buffer Exceeded Drops = 0 Timer Buffers Pid 13151 In Use = 16 Peak = 775 Max = 75000 Transcode sessions active local = 0 Transcode sessions active nlz total = 1501 Transcode sessions nlz total peak = 0 Transcode max license = 10000 Transcode sessions exceeded = 0 Media Server - Status = UP, # Sessions = 14 System Code Version:VSXi-